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Be A Sponsor
What do I receive as a sponsor?
Presenting Sponsor $1,500.00 (only one will be sold )
Your company is listed as the Presenting business and we are listed as the Host
4 quarter page ads ran in the Times Daily with your business logo listed as the Presenting Sponsor
Your logo on all social media marketing to include our website, and facebook page
Your logo printed on one side of 140 keep sake bistro coffee mugs that will be passed out to each Dad in attendance
Your logo will be included on the photo booth pictures.
Your company info. and any special offers will be included in our special gift bag for each family.
A thank you email will be sent after the event with a link to your business and we will include any special offers that you would like us to include
Verbal acknowledgement and praise at the event
You will also be provided with a table for 8 at the Daddy Daughter Prom. ($240 Value)
Supporting Sponsor $500.00
Your logo will be listed as a supporting sponsor in 4 quarter page ads ran in the Times Daily
Your company info. and any special offers will be included in the special gift bag
A thank you email will be sent after the event with a link to your business and we will include any special offers that you would like us to include
Verbal acknowledgement and praise at the event
You will be provided a table for 4 at the event
New Customer Opportunity $50.00
We will stuff the keep sake bag with your special offers. This is perfect for any business
This will be our 8th Daddy Daughter Prom and our 27 year in the event business. There's a lot of time & expense that goes into our event. So , we decided this year to reach out to sponsors to join us. In return your brand will be identified with the Daddy Daughter Prom. We believe that Auto dealers, Dentists, Insurance Agents & Realtors would make a perfect partner . Your sponsorship will build a unique goodwill in the Shoals area.
Our Guests deserve the best!
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